Digital Currency Sandbox

For the creation of digital currencies as well as digital bonds, on one or multiple ledgers.

The sandbox allows all of the issued digital currencies and bonds to be interoperable, meaning that they can be swapped atomically if required.

An example of what can be achieved via the Digital Currency Sandbox can be seen in the following figure (referenced from an Oracle blog post here), where:

  • The central bank issues central bank money on the 'wCBDC Partition' and can assign this money to the different banks
  • Bank A issues its tokenised deposits on the 'Bank A Deposit Token Partition'
  • Bank B issues its tokenised deposits on the 'Bank B Deposit Token Partition'
  • Both of Bank A or Bank B can issues bonds on the 'Bonds Partition'
  • Atomic swaps can occur between bonds and tokenised deposits, which will also trigger automatic alignment of the balance of Bank A and Bank B on the 'wCBDC Partition'.
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