Search a ETH payment transaction
Find transactions on a network and retrieve all the information related to the transaction.
What you will learn
In this tutorial, we will demonstrate how to search for a transaction on chain.
This tutorial enables you to retrieve information about the 0.001 ETH payment that occurred on the Ethereum Sepolia testnet in the previous tutorial. The API calls and transactions occur within the testnet environment.
- Create an account and generate your application's API keys
Create an account on Quant Connect. Then, register your application to generate API keys to authorise your requests on Overledger APIs.
- Select a transaction ID to search
- Generate a Bearer Token You must generate an authentication token in order to use the Overledger APIs.
Submit a search transaction
The transaction ID is provided in the body parameters.
In the body of the request, you define which blockchain network Overledger will search for the transaction.
As an example, we can search for the transaction created in the previous tutorial using transactionId '0x1191e515119bb3ba085a28d98215b40c54b161f22305e0fa038959448d424ce9'
"location": {
"technology": "Ethereum",
"network": "Ethereum Sepolia Testnet"
The response will include important data points such as:
- Confirmation of the location of this transaction
- How much the transaction processed
- Who sent the transaction (originId) and who received the transaction (destinationId)
- The transaction status
- The timestamp of when the transaction reached the provided status
- How the transaction is formatted in its specific blockchain (nativeData)
Below is a sample response:
"preparationTransactionSearchResponse": {
"requestId": "890c88be-b32c-47f8-9ed3-4d6198344056",
"gatewayFee": {
"amount": "0",
"unit": "QNT"
"executionTransactionSearchResponse": {
"location": {
"technology": "Ethereum",
"network": "ethereum sepolia testnet"
"type": "PAYMENT",
"timestamp": "1710259800",
"status": {
"value": "SUCCESSFUL",
"code": "TXN1003",
"description": "Transaction successful",
"message": "Transaction successful",
"timestamp": "1710260040"
"transaction": {
"transactionId": "0x1191e515119bb3ba085a28d98215b40c54b161f22305e0fa038959448d424ce9",
"message":"sample Message",
"signature": [
"totalPaymentAmount": [
"amount": "0.001000000000000000",
"unit": "ETH"
"origin": [
"originId": "0x4f84ac29b182e0e474Ea3fc17950200BB4765F31",
"sequence": "0"
"destination": [
"destinationId": "0x03B651d2251eA03cf3ceD600E3B4948303A94BE6",
"payment": {
"amount": "0.001000000000000000",
"unit": "ETH"
"fee": {
"amount": "0",
"unit": "ETH"
"nativeData": {
"hash": "0x1191e515119bb3ba085a28d98215b40c54b161f22305e0fa038959448d424ce9",
"nonce": 0,
"blockHash": "0x20548cf1206bfcd95a9054545bebd5adbcb85856ce664a8ce47b8dc06c41a667",
"blockNumber": 5471555,
"chainId": 11155111,
"transactionIndex": 71,
"from": "0x4f84ac29b182e0e474ea3fc17950200bb4765f31",
"to": "0x03b651d2251ea03cf3ced600e3b4948303a94be6",
"value": 1000000000000000,
"gasPrice": 36412364825,
"gas": 21414,
"input": "0x00000000000073616d706c65204d657373616765",
"creates": null,
"publicKey": null,
"raw": null,
"r": "0x6376463d26b298e659e5f64c151841bb4431d859db90fbf2946c033b1b544032",
"s": "0x68f65dcc5e79d851a3eb5a7f765117314201d55187a82b061b64552cdea71b85",
"v": 0,
"type": "0x2",
"maxFeePerGas": 36412364825,
"maxPriorityFeePerGas": 1000000000,
"accessList": [],
"chainIdRaw": "0xaa36a7",
"blockNumberRaw": "0x537d43",
"transactionIndexRaw": "0x47",
"valueRaw": "0x38d7ea4c68000",
"gasPriceRaw": "0x87a589819",
"gasRaw": "0x53a6",
"maxFeePerGasRaw": "0x87a589819",
"maxPriorityFeePerGasRaw": "0x3b9aca00",
"nonceRaw": "0x0"
Updated about 2 months ago